Top : Farscape
OLK altfic: links directory: Farscape
Farscape - Altfic/femslash sites for the dearly missed Farscape
The links below are to sites that include Farscape related stories/images/resources. If you think that there's an error (e.g. a link doesn't work or the site does not include relevant material) or that there should be another category or sub-category then please let me know. if you know of other sites that should be included then either add them yourself using the add a link option above or tell me and I'll do the work!
- Dark Matter - The Collected Fanfic of Celievamp and Elizabeth Carter
(Added: 28-Feb-2006 Hits: 1506 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Ladies of the Stars - A Yahoo list for fem-slash fanfic and feedback dedicated to Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek Voyager, Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, Firefly, Babylon Five
(Added: 27-Feb-2006 Hits: 1620 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Let Them Eat Cake - Author: Astrogirl
Pairing: Chiana/Jool
Archived at Yuletide treasure.
A funny and well-written story.
(Added: 13-Feb-2006 Hits: 509 Rating: 8.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
- Of Labrys and Kings - halfofone's fanfiction mainly plus some other stuff
(Added: 3-Feb-2005 Hits: 1716 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
- Once a Peacekeeper - TITLE: Once a Peacekeeper by halfofone
RATING: NC17 CODE: Aeryn Sun/Gilina. This retells the story of episode 1.07 "pktech girl" from the point of view of Gilina and provides a whole lot of back story about her relationship with Aeryn Sun. I thought the whole ep was a subtext fest and I didn't know of any other fics which covered it.
WARNINGS: Angst, sex and language
(Added: 3-Feb-2005 Hits: 547 Rating: 9.00 Votes: 1) Rate It
- Passion and Perfection - A really great fanfiction site with hundreds of stories in many fandoms. The maintainer RalSt, is also a damned good writer.
(Added: 13-Feb-2006 Hits: 1152 Rating: 10.00 Votes: 13) Rate It
Pages Updated On: 4-Oct-2018 - 08:35:11
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